Sext on Parliament Hill

Love is in the air on Parliament Hill.

Tory MP Bob Dechert wants to sing the praises of his sweetheart, though he says they’ve never done the nasty. It does seem that he has afternoon delight on his mind, alright, according to emails sent to the media by the husband of the object of his affection.

He loves the way she puffs out her cheeks. He fantasizes about her while riding in his car. He urges her to watch his performance in the House of Commons. Oh, my luva!

Too bad for the Bobster that she is married and so is he. Too bad, too, that she could be a Chinese spy. Also too bad that he — like Maxime Bernier before him — had access to sensitive files as the parliamentary secretary to the Foreign Affairs Minister.

Their love — or his love, anyway — cannot be denied. He is after all a man knowledgeable about “foreign affairs”.

Well, well. This is a pretty kettle of fish, isn’t it? Amazing that Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird thinks this whole thing is redonkulous.

Sure, they haven’t had sex. But that’s not the point.

The point is that he wanted to have sex with her and he was intimate with her on an electronic basis. What it showed was that the guy has the judgement of a 14-year-old boy in the basement with Dad’s Playboys. 

Little Bob, clearly is driving the bus.

What was he thinking signing these love notes: Love Bob, MP?


Didn’t he get the memo about sexting with potential spies?

Has he ever heard about Access to Information? Can’t wait to see the ATF requests bombarding the House of Commons and Foreign Affairs.

Even if Bob had been schtupping with the enemy, he could have at least tried to hide his meanderings.

We all know the Little Bobs of the world have bad judgement.

Keep it in your pants, Bob and off the House of Commons server!

Your job, apparently depends upon it.

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